June 8th was a big day!! Tyler & I celebrated our 7 year anniversary which happened to fall on the same day as my last day of school! Am I dramatic or what?! I thought I would just take care of a couple of big life events all in one. The last day at Sandy Elementary was definitely a bittersweet one- on the one hand obviously excited to be home with my baby boys and on the other sad to leave teaching after 6 years. I have made some wonderful friendships over the years there and have learned A LOT! But I'm not hanging up the teacher sweater quite yet... down the road, it would be nice to go back and teach maybe when the kids are older.
As for the big day of love, Tyler's sweet mom took on the challenge of watching our boys overnight, so we could have a night of sleep :) The most amazing gift you could give us at this point in time! We went to dinner at the Red Lobster & then stayed at Anniversary Inn. We had an absolute blast!